Under the supervision of the Dean of the College of Dentistry, Professor Dr. Raghad Abdel-Razzaq Muhammad .
The College of Dentistry at the University of Baghdad, in cooperation with the Nabu Foundation, organized a workshop entitled” Investing in clean energy is our path towards sustainable development” that was delivered by assist lecturer Rawaa Hamdi Al-Jaf/ College of Education for Girls and assist. lecturer  Sarwa Abdul Jabbar Hadi/ Al-Mustansiriya University.
The workshop introduced the concept of clean energy, the advantages using it, and the mechanism for preserving the environment in order to achieve sustainable development.

The lectures summarised the importance of  replacing traditional energy with clean energy in order to preserve the environment.
At the end of the workshop, the Dean of the College of Dentistry honored the lectures for the efforts presented during this workshop, which were positively influenced the audiences’ motivation towards the clean energy and its role in achieving sustainable development.

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