Planting permanent trees in the corridors of College of  Dentistry 

 University of Baghdad.

Within the grand national campaign launched by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Presidency of the University of Baghdad, and in the context of preserving the green university environment within the requirements of global ranking, for example (Green metrics), and with the aim of raising environmental awareness for the faculty and students and . And improve the appearance of our college . In cooperation with the Presidency of the University of Baghdad, represented by the  Diwan Affairs Department.

Prof. Dr. Raghad Abdul-Razzaq Al-Hashemi, Dean of the College of Dentistry, University of Baghdad,  accompanied by Dr. Donia Abdul-Razzaq, Director of the Agricultural Division of the Presidency of the University, Professor Haider Abbas, Director of the Diwan Affairs Department, and some distinguished professors, faculty, launched a large campaign to plant and organize all the gardens of the College of Dentistry building, University Baghdad and its teaching hospital, on Tuesday, 9-11-2021, to be the beginning of the seasonal campaign to plant permanent trees in the corridors of the college.
In his speech, the Dean of the College confirmed that the campaign aims to introduce the environmental importance of planting evergreen plants, trees  and to improve and  the atmosphere surrounding the campus and reduce its pollution. And their positive repercussions for creating a beautiful and breathable environment by increasing green spaces and planting them with flowers, roses and permanent seedlings inside the college campus and its teaching hospital.

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