Under the supervision of the Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, Professor Dr. Raghad Abdel-Razzaq Mohamed, the Women’s Empowerment Unit at the he College of Dentistry, University of Baghdad, in collaboration with the Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Unit organized a symposium on violence against wome. Assst. Prof. Ghada Ibrahim Taha, and Lecturer Dr. Zainab Ghaleb Al-Jassem introduced the forms of violence against women and girls, and to call for taking effective measures to reduce and eliminate the phenomenon of violence against women all over the world.
The seminar also included the following topics:
Definition of violence and its forms against women
– Its causes and how to treat it legally and socially
– The spread of the phenomenon of violence against women in Iraq
– Discussing solutions to the phenomenon of violence against women and how to reduce it

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